Just doing my part....

Just doing my part....
Checking the newspaper for jobs

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Vet update

Jypsy did fine today. I think I've raised such a ruckus they've now started giving her star treatment. When I went to pick her up today the vet came out himself to tell me how things went. He said apparently she's sensitive to the anesthesia (No! Really??), and he only gave her half of a normal dose for a cat her weight. It still knocked her flat out. When I brought her home she walked out of her carrier on all four legs, which was a lot different from the other two times when she crawled out, couldn't stand up and had to pull herself along with her front legs to get anywhere. She's currently asleep in her box-du-jour, so I'm guessing she was pretty stressed by the whole thing. Maybe almost as much as I was.

Now here's something funny - the vet said she probably wouldn't eat anything until tomorrow; she came out of the carrier and went straight to the food bowl and ate almost a whole bowl of food. Guess her teeth didn't hurt that much. ☺

Oh, and just fyi, I have another job interview tomorrow - things are definitely improving.

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