Just doing my part....

Just doing my part....
Checking the newspaper for jobs

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Of teeth and gums

Jypsy is currently at the vet getting her teeth cleaned. I'm very concerned - the two times she's had it done before she was overdosed for two different reasons. The first time they gave her an auxiliary drug meant to help calm pets down; Jypsy however was one of the few who had an allergic reaction to the drug. She survived. The second time someone wrote down her weight including the carrier, so the amount she was given was way too much. I thought I was going to lose her that time. That led to several long conversations with the vet, who I really like and does a good job with her, about these problems and he's very aware of my apprehension. According to her chart, it's now marked she does not get the auxiliary drug, and a different vet did the last one (and is no longer there). My vet requested I make darn sure he's the one on duty whenever I bring her in. I can hear folks now saying, "Well, don't get her teeth cleaned!" My answer is I had a dog years ago that I loved as much or more than Jypsy and the vet that took care of him never suggested teeth cleaning. In my dog's later years he lost teeth and had problems eating due to dental decay and bad gums. I don't want that to happen to Jypsy. So, I'm sitting here trying to keep myself occupied while she's at the vets where I dropped her off at 7am this morning. I reiterated, yet again, how I want extreme caution taken with my cat. I even suggested maybe they should give her even a little less than what they felt was the right amount for her weight. Still. I can't help but worry. I'm waiting on the phone call to let me know she's fine and I can pick her up. A watched phone never rings...

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