Anyway, rather than wait on her to finally post something I thought I'd take her turn. Last week was an interesting week. While working the census, I met (over the phone) a gentleman who was, shall we say, not a happy camper that I was contacting his household for verification information after they'd already filled their questionnaires in and sent them back. I was able to finagle the information out of him and at some point (dare I say I'm just really charming over the phone???), we started talking. He asked me how I liked working for the census, which led to my layoff, and then to the difficulty I've had trying to find another job. He owns a company here, and apparently has contacts all over town. I was really surprised when he, who didn't want to give me any information, freely gave me his business email address and asked me to send him my resume - in case one of his friends or contacts might need someone. I didn't hear much from him for several weeks, but last weekend he emailed me and asked me to meet him for breakfast one day last week. I thought he just wanted to talk to me about some potential company he knew that might be hiring. I did meet him (and he bought breakfast!), and it turns out the previous Friday one of his employees let him know she was going back to school. We had a very good conversation, and when he left for his office he said he wants me to come down and see his business and meet a couple of his employees. The job is not something I've ever done before, but I told him I was certainly willing to learn something new. I learn fast I told him, and I do. No, he did not out and out offer me the job, but this is the most promising thing that's happened to me in a long time.
That same day, a woman at another company I applied with sent me an email and wants a phone interview with me. We tentatively set it up for Friday afternoon, but she said she wasn't sure how long a meeting was going to take, and if I didn't hear from her on Friday afternoon to expect a call Monday morning. It would have been nice to be able to say I had 2 interviews in 2 days, but hey, I'll take what I can get.
I've been through so much, that I'm not getting my hopes up by any means. I figure though, that maybe this is a good sign. It was a little discouraging to read in one of the online papers last week that what jobs are coming open are either very high tech/specialized, or really low-paying jobs. While I know what I do is not high tech, and I'm not sure it could be considered a 'low-paying' job (although it's darn close) because there is a wee little bit of specialization. I'm just hoping for something/anything to break loose.
For those missing Jypsy, here's a picture of her currently sacked out on the couch. I'll give her a little push to get back on here with a comment, but it will probably just be about me turning the hose on her when she got under the deck one night and wouldn't come out even after it turned pitch black....but I'll let her tell you all about it.

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