Any ice left in here??
It's beginning to get warm here. It was almost hot yesterday, and I kept looking for cool places to rest on occasion. I found one really good place, but apparently my staff person had planted some seeds or something and was not happy I chose that place to curl up in. I certainly didn't know it was off limits - not my fault at all.

I smell bugs!
All in all it was a very good day. Even my staff person brought her lunch out and sat on the deck with her book while she ate. I think we both think Spring is just pretty swell. I did hear her mention something about a bath because I was rolling over in a dirt patch. Guess I came up with half the dirt on me, and she's not so fond of me bringing it back in the house with me. I don't like baths, but when you weigh it against this great backyard, a cozy house, and a bowl of kibble, I guess I can put up with it. Sigh.

Guess you can say I walk all over my staff person.
Time to start whining to go back outside!
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