Just doing my part....

Just doing my part....
Checking the newspaper for jobs

Sunday, August 12, 2012

At last!

Most of my friends already know this, but I wanted to post about it anyway. After 1,681 days of unemployment, temporary jobs and more stress than I care to remember, I have finally (finally!) gotten a job. Apparently I made an impression at the current State office I'm temping at, and was encouraged to apply. I found out last week (officially that is) I had the job. People keep asking me if I'm excited, and I have to tell them "No." since this place is a real mess. People are leaving every week, either by retiring or moving on to public sector jobs. I can honestly say however, I'm relieved. Relieved to have finally found a permanent job. Relieved to finally have health benefits (it's been almost 5 years since I've had health insurance). Relieved to know I can quit worrying about whether or not I'm going to lose my house, like so many other people have done. Relieved to feel like a contributing person once again, instead of one relying on unemployment compensation and the low cost health clinic I've always referred to as 'the poverty clinic'. Pure, utter relief.

I'm going to try and keep my head down and just do the work so I can bring home a paycheck. I've already worked with the gentleman who is going to be my project manager and I'm happy to say he's very, very nice. He apologized for having to bring me in at the entry pay grade, but has promised he will get me some merit raises if I continue to work as hard as I have been. I know no other way to work, so am looking forward to the raises.

So that's pretty much the only thing worth writing about right now. I become a permanent State employee on August 20. Whew. Please join me in heaving a huge sigh of relief. Ahhhhhh...