Just doing my part....

Just doing my part....
Checking the newspaper for jobs

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Tee Hee!

So, I've found this place in the house where I can hide and staff person can't find me.....

She'll look under all the beds, behind the chairs, under the desk, check the dining room chairs pushed up under the table (a former favorite hiding place until she wised up to that one), the bath tub, between the end of the sofa and the wall - you know, all the good ones. I've now got a great one however because she hasn't found me in it yet.

Take last night. She started looking for me, calling my name, and walking all around the house checking the above places. Then she got a little panicky and went out into the backyard because she had opened the back door a little earlier for a second, and let's face it, I've done the slippery exit through doors before where she didn't see me. She checked the backyard looking in all my hiding places out there and then came back in and re-checked all the inside ones. Then she got her flashlight and went back out into the backyard, checked it again (calling my name the whole time!), then went through the gate and down the driveway, around the house to the other side, down the fence and I finally heard her calling my name out in the alley. I was laughing sooooo hard! Finally I heard her coming back down the driveway into the backyard and decided to give her a break. I hopped up on the window sill in the laundry room so she could see me in the window when she got to the top of the deck.

She wasn't all that happy with me, but hey, I was here in the house the whole time - what did I do??? She called me a little trickster, and said maybe the Native Americans should have made me the trickster instead of some coyote. Ha. I think I have to agree with her on that - I'm way smarter than some dumb ol' coyote.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

The first day of Spring??

Among all the frustrations I'm facing right now, there's something that I can do absolutely nothing about and, although extremely minor, is making me crabby. I'm talking about the weather. We've had the most beautiful Spring weather lately: mild temperatures, sunny days, brillant blue skies......

Bur Mother Nature is such a trickster (is she related to Coyote?) and has pulled the rug out from under us. Yesterday it was 75 - today it's not going to get above 45. It's raining. The temp is supposed to continue to fall; there's a possibility for snow tonight. It is the first day of Spring, right? I moved my plants out on to the deck when the temperature hit the 70's to create this neat little outdoor room where I could sit and read while Jypsy scampered around the yard chasing bugs. One of these plants is a 6' Ornamental orange tree that probably weighs a hundred pounds - it's huge. It's also a pain to move. As it is a little fussy about being in cold temperatures and snow, it had to come back in last night along with everything else I shoved out there. Fortunately I had some friends over for wine on the deck to enjoy the last of the nice weather for several days, and they helped get everything back in before departing. I wish Mother would make up her mind and decide between Winter and Spring. My vote is for Spring.

I've got some things stewing in the work department - whether anything comes of any of it is anyone's guess. Hopefully one of these opportunities will work out, and I'll be able to get back to work. I would love to leave this frustration and feeling of worthlessness behind.

Saturday, March 13, 2010


Ahhh. The weather has finally turned warmer. I've been getting to go outside more these last few days. I even took a couple of naps on the warm boards of the deck. So pleasant! Of course with warmer weather comes the stuff that bites me and makes me itch. Staff person saw me scratching, and put that stuff on my back that I hate. The next day though I realized I wasn't scratching anymore.

The grass hasn't turned green yet so I can't snack on it occasionally, but I have a feeling that's coming too. Staff person moved all the plants back out onto the deck, and it makes this nice little spot even nicer. She even moved this, um, swingy seat thingy onto the deck and sits out there and watches me look cute and reads. Life sure seems good to me.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Fence Boards and Devil nuts

We've had some pretty nice days lately (until today when it started raining), so I made a trip to the home improvement store and picked up some fence boards. I replaced the one Jypsy slipped out through the other day and a few more that are worse for wear. I was going to do a couple more, but there was an upright buried brick underneath a board and the one right next to it that I could not seem to budge, even with the bad board removed. I had to work from both sides of the fence, and since there's only the gate on the driveway side I had to walk back and forth several times from the street around the house, down the drive and into the backyard. Once that stupid brick finally came loose, I was pretty much done. Wuss, right? Alas, you're right.

I've gotten some leads on several jobs, and on Tuesday morning I am heading out to each and every one of them to see if I can generate someone's interest in me. I wanted to go tomorrow, but promised someone I'd help them with some things. I'm sort of excited about Tuesday though and looking forward to it. Plus the sun will be shining - a definite plus.

Oh, and a word to the wise. If you're ever anywhere close to a place called "The Vending Nut", do NOT go in and buy a package of Butter Toffee Almonds. Trust me on this! I'm still trying to figure out how I can get in some exercise in the rain to counteract these devil nuts....