Just doing my part....

Just doing my part....
Checking the newspaper for jobs

Friday, March 22, 2013

Cold, Beds, and Swimming

Well, cat's whiskers! What the heck is wrong with this crazy weather? I mean, I've been going outside and lazing around in the warm sun, rolling in the dirt, chasing bugs and eating fresh, new grass for a couple of weeks now. All of a sudden today turns dark and dreary, the house gets colder, outside is even colder, the dirt patch is cold and there's no rays to even faintly warm my tootsies.

I mean...really.

For all her writings about writing, my staff person has been coming home every day and being a slug. She did get a really good review from someone who read her book and is looking forward to the next one, but she's still only sold a few copies. Of course, if she would write about me, it would be an instantaneous bestseller, doncha think? She's really tired; sometimes she falls asleep for 30 minutes or so before dinner. I wish I could tell her if she didn't get up at 4 something a couple of mornings a week to go to the gym and swim, and instead stay home and SLEEP, she might notice a difference. I'm an expert and know the benefit of numerous naps throughout the day, but I also know she has to buy my kibble. I don't care if she sports a few extra pounds, but for some reason she does. And water? Why on earth would someone want to voluntarily jump in a bunch of water? Ehhh. Whatever.

The guy that lives in the front room bought me a bed about 4 years ago. I disdained it (Target? Reaaaaallllly?). But I jumped up on the table/tin/flat thingy where the bed has been, and well, dang, it was actually quite comfortable, so I've been napping there recently. Of course, you know us cats...we have to keep our staff people guessing. I suppose I'll need to find another place to sleep here soon. . It's so tough being an adorable, 'unpredictable predictable' kitty, ya know?

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