Just doing my part....

Just doing my part....
Checking the newspaper for jobs

Saturday, March 30, 2013

On the Verge

So, I decide maybe I should go in and check the email I established for my book. There hasn't been much going on lately (read that as no purchases), so it sort of slipped my mind. First I had to remember the password for the account; that caused me a moment or two of panic. I did remember it however, and got in to find over 30 messages! Of course, 30 were spam, but there was one from a woman in Ohio who had purchased and read the book. She truthfully overwhelmed me with praise for the book. We've had a little bit of an email conversation going back and forth, and I found out the book is on the Barnes and Noble book site. She had also written a wonderful review, giving the book 5 out of 5 stars, and in all caps ended with 'HIGHLY RECOMMENDED'. Go ahead, just ask me if I got all tingly!

A couple of nights ago I went in and googled my name and found there are 5 other sites that list the book, including one in the U.K. This is all news to me, but apparently the indie book publishing site I signed up with a year ago has finally gotten the book to some other sites. I want to get the book on the Amazon site as well, so I've printed out the 'Terms and Conditions' for publishing. It's 19 pages of legalese, so I'm going to try and go through it carefully before I click on the 'I Agree' button. I know the book is funny and I know it's got some good drama as well. It's not the next Great American novel by any stretch of the imagination, but everything I've heard so far has been positive. One of my closest friends showed me a post her adult nephew had written on her Facebook page saying he had read about the book on her page, purchased and read it, loved it and is looking forward to the sequel.

Ah, yes. The sequel. It's finished; has been finished for a long time. I've been through it once to edit it, but think I might go through once more. I went through the first one about 4 times, and each time found something that needed to be changed, be it a typo, misspelling or some other inconsistency. I re-read it few weeks ago, and still found mistakes. Guess it's just the nature of the beast. Anyway, I'm hoping to get the second book, finally with a title of 'Space Dude - The Trouble with Travels', online soon.

Otherwise things are moving forward, which, of course, is a good thing. Here's hoping everything is moving forward for you as well. The cat sends you greetings, or would if she was awake. She got me up a little after 6 but it's Saturday after all - weekdays she tries for 4am. She's now sound asleep.

Cheers from here...

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