Just doing my part....

Just doing my part....
Checking the newspaper for jobs

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Halloween excitement

Halloween has come and gone, the weather has finally turned 'Fall'-y and now the holidays are looming. The most exciting thing to happen Halloween night was a high speed chase with a truck and the police that sped by my front door, not once, but THREE times. The first pass was the truck and one police car - I was asleep, but the truck was loud and the tires were squealing as he turned the two corners by my house. It woke me up and my first thought was, "That idiot's going to lose control of his truck and hit my house!" As my bedroom is right next to the street, I jumped up and ran. He kept his truck upright , so then I went to look out the window and saw the first police car go zooming by with lights and sirens. Several of the neighbors wound up out in their yards ("Everybody move back - here he comes again!"). Next he came flying by for a second pass with two police cars behind him; the final pass there were 6. They finally got him stopped about 10 blocks away but by then there were 11 police cars, a road with spikes in it, and both a damaged truck and police car. Turns out the guy had some outstanding warrants, so wonder what kind of trouble he's in now, hmmm?? Didn't the possibility he was making it worse for himself even occur to him? Then again, I'm guessing idiots don't really contemplate things like that.

It's chilly and wet in my part of the state, and soup has been the best thing to consume the last two days. That and hot tea. It is Texas, so I'm sure by next week we'll be back in the 80's.

No other news. The insurance guy I think has finally faded out of the picture. My last email note to him was answered, but nothing mentioned about the position. Looks like I'll be sending cards only for Christmas again this year. Still very grateful to have managed to retain my house and put kibble in the cat bowl...I know things could be much worse.

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