so nice the weather has cooled off. I love going outside this time of year, (well anytime of year, really) but my staff person is a little perturbed at me because I keep hearing interesting things on the other side of the fence and make apparently the wrong decision to check them out. Not only that, I've discovered the neighbors garage door doesn't shut all the way, so I've been investigating all the different things in there. Take this morning - staff person let me out, and although usually she comes outside and sits while I patrol the yard, this morning was a bit damp and chilly for her. She stood inside the screen door, but then that black thing made that ringy noise (you know - the one she picks up part of it and talks into all the time) and she went off to see what it wanted. I heard her talking to it and just at that moment was overcome by this need to get on the other side of the fence. Staff person came back out looking for me a few minutes later, but I guess she's on to me. She came out the gate and went immediately to the neighbor's garage, like
o-n-e second before I was going to slip in and check things out again. She yelled at me, kinda loudly too, so I decided maybe it really wasn't worth checking their garage out. I scooted back over to the gate and came back in the yard. I guess I blew it though, she snatched me up and brought me back in the house saying, "Back inside for you, Missy." Sigh. Now she won't let me back out. Yep. I blew it.
For the few brief minutes I was outside (gahhh!) it smelled like rain. Staff person says we need it, but I don't like it when it rains. Guess that means I'll be doing a lot of napping today. Oh, speaking of, staff person took this picture of me last week. She had just gotten some clothes out of the thing that makes wet stuff dry, and put them on her bed. She disappeared for a second, and well, heck, they looked like a good place to me! I jumped up and decided to take a nap on those warm clothes that smelled really good. Of course, as soon as she came back she took this picture and then booted me off the bed. Aren't you supposed to SLEEP on a bed? That's all I was trying to do. She's so picky sometimes...sheesh.
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