Just doing my part....

Just doing my part....
Checking the newspaper for jobs

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

new Staff person

Well, the guy who used to stay here has moved back into the front room (that used to be the spofficebed). He left about a year ago, but started staying here again last week. He and my staff person would come dragging in looking really tired and dirty and sweaty at night and I finally figured out they were moving his stuff into something called a 'storage unit'. In the rain too...made me snicker. Don't people know enough to get out of the rain? Jeez. Anyway, seems he lost the house he was staying in. I've heard him say "I'm going to find my own place soon." and "I'll only be here for a little while." but he was here for a really long time last time. There's a lot of new boxes and bins for me to play on too. I've been sleeping on this big narrow box in the tv room. Well, when I'm not sleeping in his duffle bag on the floor with all his clothes in it. I was in there the other day and started not feeling so well. My staff person tried to grab me, but I puked right inside the bag before she could grab me. I hope I looked properly apologetic! I was sorry - honest!

My staff person also found out yesterday her part time job isn't going to use her anymore. She looks really worried. Dang. She needs, like, a real job. Wish I knew someone, but heck, who do I know? I overheard the next door neighbor guy who helped with some of the moving say my staff person was a really hard worker and did an amazing job. Seems to me if she's a really hard worker, and I think she's extremely dependable (she's always here for me when I need her - like to go outside or when my bowl is empty) someone would hire her for those qualities alone. I know she sure types faster 'an I do.

Okay, it's been tough typing this out with my nails since staff person cut them last week. I'm really tired. Time for me to go take a nap on that box again. Later...

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