Ahhh. There's been a definite increase in my staff. It's been kinda nice. I have TWO people now to wake up in the early hours, although they both seem to be able to ignore me and continue sleeping. One's at the front of the house and my prime staff person is more towards the back of the house. The new/old guy stays up late and then sleeps late in the mornings and can ignore me. I spend a lot of time running back and forth. Sheesh. I have to go walk around ON my prime staff person - like right on top of her - really early in the morning to get her up to let me outside, 'cos, trust me, it's HOT outside most of the day now. I walk all over her but sometimes she just rolls over and goes back to sleep. She seems really tired and seems to be gone most of the day now. She makes comments about how hard Phase II is. Phase II? Don't know what that is, but she does seem to be gone more than usual. And at like really weird hours - anywhere from early morning to late at night. I like going out in the mornings and then spending the rest of the hot daylight hours sleeping in the air conditioning. About 5pm I start kicking up a fuss, but don't get let out to check the yard until later - about 7pm. Trust me...it's still hot then. I stay out as long as I can, but have to admit at some point I gotta hide under some bushes. My prime staff person took a picture of me under the basil and rosemary, although I wasn't like, you know, totally, under the plants. Still, anything that provides shade is good as far as I'm concerned.

Life in Texas in the Summer. At least we have cool air in the house. And those twirly things that whirl around - love 'em!
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