Snow began falling around 3am Thursday morning and continued past midnight. While the movers were loading up the moving van on Thursday there were huge, wet flakes of snow falling. All day. Non-stop. Please remember this is Texas. While the Panhandle gets snow like this all the time, it snows here maybe once every 3-4 years and we get about an inch. This was a record breaker. I had 8.5 inches in my backyard. Other places had 13". It was surreal. It was a heavy, wet snow and the entire metroplex area has lost a lot of trees and branches - mostly live oaks - and there are huge gaping wounds on some trees where a branch too heavy to hold any more snow broke and splintered.
I have to admit it was gorgeous. Having lived in Eastern Washington State for 16 years I got used to the snow, but was relieved to move home to Texas. Gazing out the windows last Thursday it was so beautiful I almost wished I was back in Washington State. Almost. Of course, as I mentioned, this is Texas so all but small pockets of snow that are tucked away where no sunshine hits it are long gone now. It only took 2 days and all that snow was just....gone. All we have left are tons of pictures and the memory. Now we can always say, "Remember that February when we got that record snow?"

Jypsy was a wuss and wouldn't go much past the deck. As it began melting, she did venture out and at one point put a paw on top of the snow. When her paw continued downward through the snow, she jerked it back and decided the stuff was not to be trusted. She sniffed around the open patches for another minute or so and then headed for the back door and the warm house.
I'm hoping this is the last of the really cold stuff - it's getting close to March now and the temps should begin to climb back up. It's been a strange Winter for us, and I'm looking forward to Spring.
Okay, have to get going - got to go overnight an application to Austin for a State job. Wouldn't that be nice?
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