Just doing my part....

Just doing my part....
Checking the newspaper for jobs

Sunday, February 21, 2010


Well, the staff person's been gone a couple of hours and I got bored so I figured I'd give you an update. I've figured out which button turns on the tv from the remote so I turned it on to see if the outside world has changed much. The tv was on the weather channel though, and I found out there's more of that white stuff due here on Tuesday. NO! I want sunshine and pleasant temperatures! I want to lay on the deck in the sun until I'm all toasty and then go inside for a little bite to eat and a drink and come back out! I don't remember any other winters like this and I've been around for a long time - I'm five after all. Come on, Mr. Weatherman - you better don't be giving me this forecast, er...um...please?

Not to mention my staff person is sick. She's been sneezing and coughing and sleeping almost as much as I have. She told someone she had a cold. Isn't cold a temperature? Like hot, cool, warm, cold? I've been very nice though because she really looks like she doesn't feel very chipper. I even slept beside her on her other pillow last night, you know, in case she needs to get up in the middle of the night and turn on the faucet in the bathroom so I can get some fresh water. Gotta keep her happy ya know - she's the one who can buy the kibble. Ooooh. I hear her car in the driveway, better scram. Think warm thoughts and hope for sunshine!

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