Saturday, February 27, 2010
So the staff person came home from somewhere and I was right at the door when it opened. She let me out and then disappeared inside - probably to put down all the stuff she was carrying. I wandered out into the yard...and what do I see?? A hole in the fence! It looked like someone had kicked at the fence and broken the board in two places. I went to see, and sure enough, I could see out into the alley! Well, I stuck my head through. And then I stuck my feet and shoulders through, and the rest of my body just sort of followed. I was checking out the alley when I heard the back door slam and she started calling my name. She kept calling and got closer and closer to the fence, so I stuck my head back into the yard. She saw me and hollered "Get your rear back in this yard!" and I felt it was in my best interest to do so. Then she started following me so I scooted on up to the deck and when she came up and opened the door it seemed like the wisest thing I could do would be to go inside. Let's just say she was not a happy camper. She went back out and found a huge, heavy board and covered the hole. I think when she gets some time, (she's been really busy lately and has been in and out the last couple of days) she's going to put a new slat up. Guess I messed up, huh? Well, you know, it was THERE - the hole in the fence I mean - and so...holes are meant to be explored, right? Hmm. Okay, maybe not. I'll have to think on that a bit more. Or sleep on it. Yeah, that's the ticket - I'll just sleep on it a little more before I come to a conclusion. So, guess I'll mosey on over to today's 'bed du jour'. Later....
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Today is day 6 of a cold I'm hoping will end before day 8. Excuse me while I grab another tissue....
I checked the weather channel site last night and it looks like we should be getting into sunshine and warmer temperatures next week. I know I'm ready, and I'm pretty sure the cat is too. Having lost my room-mate last June, I've really been conscious of things like turning lights off, keeping the thermometer low (like between 64-68) and turning off things I'm not using. It's made a pleasant difference in my electricity and gas bills, but I've been cold since November. I don't mind cool - but cold not so much. Sometimes you just can't bundle up enough, and I'm cold-natured anyway. I just keep thinking, "Cold hands, warm heart." Unfortunately I can't type with gloves on.
Next week, when I'm sure I won't be coughing or blowing my nose, I'm going to get into my professional best and start knocking on doors with my resume in hand. I may even try some temp agencies again, although I haven't had a lot of luck with them either. I've pondered whether or not I should remove my graduate degree from my resume. I don't use it, and really never intended to use it - it was more my ex-husband's idea than mine. Some prospective employers have said I'm overqualified for the jobs I'm interviewing for, but truth is, I don't really care at this point what I do - I just want to find a job and start earning some money. The only problem is I received both degrees from the same university and I know if a prospective employer checks my education credentials, they will automatically find the other degree and then I'm guilty of not being truthful. It's a conundrum for sure.
Jypsy is, wait for it, wait for it......asleep. I'm sure she's going to wake up at any moment, see the sun is brightly shining and start caterwauling ('CATerwauling - get it?? Ha!) to go outside. Happy Wednesday - and root for an early Spring!
I checked the weather channel site last night and it looks like we should be getting into sunshine and warmer temperatures next week. I know I'm ready, and I'm pretty sure the cat is too. Having lost my room-mate last June, I've really been conscious of things like turning lights off, keeping the thermometer low (like between 64-68) and turning off things I'm not using. It's made a pleasant difference in my electricity and gas bills, but I've been cold since November. I don't mind cool - but cold not so much. Sometimes you just can't bundle up enough, and I'm cold-natured anyway. I just keep thinking, "Cold hands, warm heart." Unfortunately I can't type with gloves on.
Next week, when I'm sure I won't be coughing or blowing my nose, I'm going to get into my professional best and start knocking on doors with my resume in hand. I may even try some temp agencies again, although I haven't had a lot of luck with them either. I've pondered whether or not I should remove my graduate degree from my resume. I don't use it, and really never intended to use it - it was more my ex-husband's idea than mine. Some prospective employers have said I'm overqualified for the jobs I'm interviewing for, but truth is, I don't really care at this point what I do - I just want to find a job and start earning some money. The only problem is I received both degrees from the same university and I know if a prospective employer checks my education credentials, they will automatically find the other degree and then I'm guilty of not being truthful. It's a conundrum for sure.
Jypsy is, wait for it, wait for it......asleep. I'm sure she's going to wake up at any moment, see the sun is brightly shining and start caterwauling ('CATerwauling - get it?? Ha!) to go outside. Happy Wednesday - and root for an early Spring!
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Well, the staff person's been gone a couple of hours and I got bored so I figured I'd give you an update. I've figured out which button turns on the tv from the remote so I turned it on to see if the outside world has changed much. The tv was on the weather channel though, and I found out there's more of that white stuff due here on Tuesday. NO! I want sunshine and pleasant temperatures! I want to lay on the deck in the sun until I'm all toasty and then go inside for a little bite to eat and a drink and come back out! I don't remember any other winters like this and I've been around for a long time - I'm five after all. Come on, Mr. Weatherman - you better don't be giving me this forecast,
Not to mention my staff person is sick. She's been sneezing and coughing and sleeping almost as much as I have. She told someone she had a cold. Isn't cold a temperature? Like hot, cool, warm, cold? I've been very nice though because she really looks like she doesn't feel very chipper. I even slept beside her on her other pillow last night, you know, in case she needs to get up in the middle of the night and turn on the faucet in the bathroom so I can get some fresh water. Gotta keep her happy ya know - she's the one who can buy the kibble. Ooooh. I hear her car in the driveway, better scram. Think warm thoughts and hope for sunshine!
Not to mention my staff person is sick. She's been sneezing and coughing and sleeping almost as much as I have. She told someone she had a cold. Isn't cold a temperature? Like hot, cool, warm, cold? I've been very nice though because she really looks like she doesn't feel very chipper. I even slept beside her on her other pillow last night, you know, in case she needs to get up in the middle of the night and turn on the faucet in the bathroom so I can get some fresh water. Gotta keep her happy ya know - she's the one who can buy the kibble. Ooooh. I hear her car in the driveway, better scram. Think warm thoughts and hope for sunshine!
Monday, February 15, 2010
Setting Records
Last week was, um, how to put this? Interesting? Weird? Incredible? All of those, perhaps. I spent Wednesday helping my ex-boss out at his soon-to-be-sold house monitoring the moving people who were packing up his items and I also helped him weed through things he didn't want to move. He's been gone for 4 years now having already moved to Upstate NY - he kept his house and I've been taking care of it. After finally deciding to sell it, we had 2 days to get everything done.
Snow began falling around 3am Thursday morning and continued past midnight. While the movers were loading up the moving van on Thursday there were huge, wet flakes of snow falling. All day. Non-stop. Please remember this is Texas. While the Panhandle gets snow like this all the time, it snows here maybe once every 3-4 years and we get about an inch. This was a record breaker. I had 8.5 inches in my backyard. Other places had 13". It was surreal. It was a heavy, wet snow and the entire metroplex area has lost a lot of trees and branches - mostly live oaks - and there are huge gaping wounds on some trees where a branch too heavy to hold any more snow broke and splintered.
I have to admit it was gorgeous. Having lived in Eastern Washington State for 16 years I got used to the snow, but was relieved to move home to Texas. Gazing out the windows last Thursday it was so beautiful I almost wished I was back in Washington State. Almost. Of course, as I mentioned, this is Texas so all but small pockets of snow that are tucked away where no sunshine hits it are long gone now. It only took 2 days and all that snow was just....gone. All we have left are tons of pictures and the memory. Now we can always say, "Remember that February when we got that record snow?"

Jypsy was a wuss and wouldn't go much past the deck. As it began melting, she did venture out and at one point put a paw on top of the snow. When her paw continued downward through the snow, she jerked it back and decided the stuff was not to be trusted. She sniffed around the open patches for another minute or so and then headed for the back door and the warm house.
I'm hoping this is the last of the really cold stuff - it's getting close to March now and the temps should begin to climb back up. It's been a strange Winter for us, and I'm looking forward to Spring.
Okay, have to get going - got to go overnight an application to Austin for a State job. Wouldn't that be nice?
Snow began falling around 3am Thursday morning and continued past midnight. While the movers were loading up the moving van on Thursday there were huge, wet flakes of snow falling. All day. Non-stop. Please remember this is Texas. While the Panhandle gets snow like this all the time, it snows here maybe once every 3-4 years and we get about an inch. This was a record breaker. I had 8.5 inches in my backyard. Other places had 13". It was surreal. It was a heavy, wet snow and the entire metroplex area has lost a lot of trees and branches - mostly live oaks - and there are huge gaping wounds on some trees where a branch too heavy to hold any more snow broke and splintered.
I have to admit it was gorgeous. Having lived in Eastern Washington State for 16 years I got used to the snow, but was relieved to move home to Texas. Gazing out the windows last Thursday it was so beautiful I almost wished I was back in Washington State. Almost. Of course, as I mentioned, this is Texas so all but small pockets of snow that are tucked away where no sunshine hits it are long gone now. It only took 2 days and all that snow was just....gone. All we have left are tons of pictures and the memory. Now we can always say, "Remember that February when we got that record snow?"

Jypsy was a wuss and wouldn't go much past the deck. As it began melting, she did venture out and at one point put a paw on top of the snow. When her paw continued downward through the snow, she jerked it back and decided the stuff was not to be trusted. She sniffed around the open patches for another minute or so and then headed for the back door and the warm house.
I'm hoping this is the last of the really cold stuff - it's getting close to March now and the temps should begin to climb back up. It's been a strange Winter for us, and I'm looking forward to Spring.
Okay, have to get going - got to go overnight an application to Austin for a State job. Wouldn't that be nice?
Friday, February 12, 2010
What. Is. This. Stuff?

So Wednesday night when I went to bed, it was all brown outside. I was looking forward to going out on Thursday and maybe chasing a few squirrels around the yard and k-k-k-k-kah-ing at the birds on the feeder. Imagine my surprise when Thursday dawned and I looked out the window to see the entire world had turned white! And did nothing but get whiter! I finally went out today, but this white stuff is really COLD on my delicate little tootsies. I couldn't bring myself to get off the deck - it looked like maybe there was 8" of this stuff on the ground (it was taller n' me) - and it wasn't long before I was at the door begging to come back in. The staff person called it 'snow'. Well, all I 'snow' is that I don't like it. Give me a warm house any day.
Monday, February 8, 2010
Dismal in more ways than one
It's cold and rainy again. We're lucky we're in Texas and not the DC area - they're due for another six inches of snow according to a friend of mine who lives there. She sent me a picture of her dog looking totally miserable out in the deep snow. I told her she needed to get that dog an electric snuggie. But at least the sun shines after a snow storm - we haven't had a full day of sun in forever, but it's probably only been a week or a little over. I miss the sunshine.
I haven't heard anything about the job I interviewed for last Monday, although I've called three times to followup. They keep promising to call me back, but I never get the return call. It was only a temporary job, but I would have gladly taken it if it was offered. With my part-time job ending in two weeks and no prospect of any employment I'm just really stymied about what I'm going to do. Any suggestions about places to search for employment that maybe I haven't thought of yet - please comment and let me know.
I think I'll go let Jypsy sleep in my lap for a while...
I haven't heard anything about the job I interviewed for last Monday, although I've called three times to followup. They keep promising to call me back, but I never get the return call. It was only a temporary job, but I would have gladly taken it if it was offered. With my part-time job ending in two weeks and no prospect of any employment I'm just really stymied about what I'm going to do. Any suggestions about places to search for employment that maybe I haven't thought of yet - please comment and let me know.
I think I'll go let Jypsy sleep in my lap for a while...
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Jypsy’s Guaranteed Stress Relievers
1. Rub my belly every time I fall down and roll over.
2. Play hide and seek with me around hallway corners at least once every day for 10 minutes.
3. Watch me outside chasing bugs through the grass in the evening; have a glass of wine to sip on while watching. (double benefits there!)
4. Pet me as I sleep on your lap while you’re watching television.
5. Laugh freely when I do something really cute like race circles around the house leaping on furniture and then fall over at your feet. Repeat #1.
2. Play hide and seek with me around hallway corners at least once every day for 10 minutes.
3. Watch me outside chasing bugs through the grass in the evening; have a glass of wine to sip on while watching. (double benefits there!)
4. Pet me as I sleep on your lap while you’re watching television.
5. Laugh freely when I do something really cute like race circles around the house leaping on furniture and then fall over at your feet. Repeat #1.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
An interview!
I finally had a job interview day before yesterday! That's the first one since last July, so I was pretty excited about it. It went well, as far as I could tell, but they said they would let me know either yesterday or today. I haven't heard anything yet. Keep your fingers crossed for me. I also met with someone who's been sort of mentoring me in the 'new' job search requirements. I ordered myself some business cards today so I can hand them out to people I meet who might know someone who has a cousin with a lead on a job. It makes sense to be able to give out your contact information in written form. Business cards to find a job - who knew??
Jypsy's right - it has been dismal and cold here. It's Texas though, so we had some sunshine yesterday for a few hours and it warmed up nicely. Jypsy got to spend some time out in the backyard chasing critters (bugs, leaves and other imagined trespassers) so she was happy. Today is overcast and rain is predicted. I couldn't live in Seattle with all the cloudy days there - Texas girl must have sunshine more than six days a year!
The cat is now snoozing on my bed, snuggled down in the quilts and pillows. As my former roommate said once - "That's the luckiest cat in the whole damn world." She certainly knew a sucker when she saw one after being dumped on a country road. I'm glad to provide it for her - she certainly keeps my head above water. Never knew a cat could do that, so I have to say it again - who knew??
Jypsy's right - it has been dismal and cold here. It's Texas though, so we had some sunshine yesterday for a few hours and it warmed up nicely. Jypsy got to spend some time out in the backyard chasing critters (bugs, leaves and other imagined trespassers) so she was happy. Today is overcast and rain is predicted. I couldn't live in Seattle with all the cloudy days there - Texas girl must have sunshine more than six days a year!
The cat is now snoozing on my bed, snuggled down in the quilts and pillows. As my former roommate said once - "That's the luckiest cat in the whole damn world." She certainly knew a sucker when she saw one after being dumped on a country road. I'm glad to provide it for her - she certainly keeps my head above water. Never knew a cat could do that, so I have to say it again - who knew??
Monday, February 1, 2010
Sunshine, please!
It's been so dismal lately, and cold. I hate it. Well, not hate it zactly, because mostly all I do is sleep someplace warm like a window or on the fluffy comforter, but it sure is cutting into my outside time. I haven't been out for 3 or 4 days now. It's too cold and gray out there and even I don't like it. My staff person won't let me out unless she can go out with me (heavy sigh). I mean, I've only gone over the fence just a couple of times. Okay, 4 maybe. Oh, alright, 6. The other day I'm pretty sure I heard a noise on the other side so decided to check it out. I think she only saw my rear end disappear over the fence but she started yelling. It was pretty funny in one way because I went over where there is no gate and she had to run out the gate, down the driveway, around the front and then down the street side of the house to the alley. I didn't move though, or try to run, 'cos I'd already figured out I was in BIG trouble. Which I was. She grabbed me right up and hugged me as we walked back around to the gate and straight inside the house. I haven't tried it again because,'s kinda big and open out on the other side of that fence. I like my little backyard. At least until the next time I hear something interesting over on the other side of the fence that is! Meanwhile I can just look at this picture from when it was nice and warm out and I could just take a little snooze on the deck....

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