Let me catch you up just a bit.
Seems like I just put Jypsy on her new food; but it's been 4 months. Seems like it was just Spring, but we managed to zoom through Summer. Seems like it shouldn't be, but we are now, technically, in Autumn. Although you couldn't prove it by Texas temperatures. Just last week we were having 90° temps. We have what my father would refer to as a "Blue Norther" coming through tonight and maybe, just maybe, the temps will be more Fall like.
Fingers crossed!
I did get to go on a short trip in September - up to Portland, OR to see two friends of mine get married. This was my friend that clued me in to using the flower essences to ease Jypsy's paranoia when she got so sick, which you'll remember if you've been following this blog for a while. We've been friends for many years but we had never actually met face to face. We exchange gifts and cards for birthdays, Christmas and 'just because', not to mention we manage to talk on the phone occasionally too. She and her partner met me at the airport and Jan was sporting a sign that simply read 'CAT'. I had seen a few pictures of her, but really, how on earth would I miss someone with a sign that says 'CAT' on it? Right. I wouldn't. It was an amazing time, although too short. We spent the first 2-1/2 days at Seaside, where I fell in love with the ocean all over again - I'd forgotten how much I love the scent of the sea. The wedding was small, simple and sweet but oh-so fitting. If you've been together for 49 years, the ceremony is nice, but fancy is sort of mundane in my opinion. It was the first wedding I've never cried at and that was because Jan stuck a camera in my hands and said, "Here. Take pictures." Which I was glad to do and I think some of them turned out okay. I didn't cry until after the ceremony when a friend of theirs started telling me how much I had helped Jan get through a tough time with the company where we were both employed at that time. THAT's when the tears started. Such an amazing time - there was a trip to downtown Portland where I was able to cross off an item from my to-do list; I got to browse in 'Powell's Bookstore'! We saw an amazing version of 'Streetcar Named Desire' with Gillian Anderson as Blanche, presented through the British 'National Theatre Live' series. I sat in awe the whole time. There were so many other things (like finding the Flashback Malt Shoppe in Seaside where I discovered 'Caribou Chocolate Ice Cream') - oh my, I just can't write it all down because I would have writer's cramp for a week.
My roommate returned from his cat-wranglin' job out at a local lake to take care of Jypsy for the 5 days I was gone. I'm not really sure if she even missed me, although she was very affectionate when I arrived home. That could just be because I resumed being the chief disher-upper of food. Food makes for best friends in the cat world.
I had a promo on my first book and actually sold quite a few copies this time. Sales have been fairly constant since, but I'm not going to quit my day job anytime soon.
My boss took another job in another district of the State office I work in and left in April. It was a crushing blow, but understandable. He needed to keep moving up the ladder, but I sure do miss him. The new boss is working out fine, but she's not the old boss. It's hard to make the transition, but I'm trying. You are missed, Michael.
I lost my swim friend in April as well - she was the one who was always at the pool before I got there, and I got/get there at 5am. She took another job in New Orleans, as it has been her most fervent dream (for years!) to live there. I seem to get more swimming in during these crazy, early morning swims, but it sure isn't near as much fun. I miss you bunches, Cindy B!
It still seems to me life is zipping by much too quickly, and I can still remember when summers seemed to last for at least 6 months or so, and Christmas took forever to come. Birthdays only came once every two or three years, but they've sure picked up the pace as I've gotten older. Now I swear I'm having birthdays every couple of months. Remember the old musical, "Stop the World I Want to Get Off"?
Yeah, that, I want to get off and chill for a while. Alas, I'm thinking that isn't going to happen for a while. Could be worse, right? I'll take what I get. Cheers!
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