Just doing my part....

Just doing my part....
Checking the newspaper for jobs

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Summertime blues

Well. I'm just pretty darn disgusted. My staff person has another 'temporary' job, and gets up early to go wherever it is she has to go. Then she doesn't get home until late. The guy in the front room is somewhere else (I heard a nasty rumor he's taking care of a house out by a lake and looking after OTHER kitties. I mean, REALLY!) He stops by every so often, and, I have to admit I know he's been cheating on me....I can smell other kitty smells on him.

So I spend my days wandering forlornly around the house, meowing for someone to play with me. Well, not really. I usually just sleep the day away, but - shhhh - don't tell anyone I said that! But I do feel like I've got the ol' Summertime blues. Whatever they are. Blue's a cooling color, after all. And it is hot.

There's something going on this next week, some sort of holiday or something. Meh. I don't really care. If it means my staff person will be here to pay attention to me, I'm all for it. Oh, I just looked at her calendar book thingy. It's called 'Independence Day'. Well, I'm pretty independent. So maybe I'll enjoy the day as well. Happy Independence day!

Doin' what I do best...

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