I'm feeling MUCH better. Mom is still using those groovy drops on my head, and I was able to walk up to a pair of dark colored shoes the other day and not see them as something I HAD to wrangle with. I think being outside a lot lately is helping too...even though I went out when it was really, really hot, it wasn't such a good thing to do and might just have aggravated whatever was wrong with me. Mentally, that is. We know what caused the physical, and well, a lady just doesn't talk about stuff like that. I've rediscovered the railing around the back deck and was running back and forth across it the other day. There's this big, and I mean big, plant/tree thingy Mom keeps back there in good weather - sucker must be over 5' tall. Its branches hang over the railing out into the yard. I was running down the railing and barreling through the tree thingy branches to one end, and then turning around and carooming back to the other end, getting on the handrail for the steps, turning around (difficult at best - it's kinda tiny), sharpening my nails on the wood (which mom was NOT happy about), and then jumping back up to start the run through the tree thingy again. FUN!
Mom dug out some stuff this morning 'cos she said she gets to dress up for work tomorrow since it's Halloween. I'm not certain what that is, but she pulled out a pair of really ragged, holey jeans, a tapestry looking top with these big angel sleeves, and a black curly wig. Said she's going as a hippie mystic. Fine with me, just so long as she doesn't try to get me in some kind of silly clothing. I might have to put my paw down at that and run hide somewhere. Prolly not, she does know I'm not overly fond of clothing. Seriously...why do I need to hide how beautiful I am? Besides - I already have this gorgeous fur coat!
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