Just doing my part....

Just doing my part....
Checking the newspaper for jobs

Thursday, August 25, 2011

In for a long healing process I'm thinking

We have our good days and our bad days. I was despairing there for a while - it seemed we'd take one step forward and then four steps back.

I've been using a particularly smelly skin lotion at night before I go to bed and for some reason it seemed to interest Jypsy and entice her into playing just a bit. It started me thinking of my friend Jan up in Oregon who was having some problems with her two kitties. Her vet suggested some homeopathic smelly stuff and it seemed to work for her cats. I found out what it was and searched out a store reasonably close that sold it. It's just a bottle of drops that have some flower essences distilled into them and are supposed to relax cats that are stressed out. I've been using them for about 4 days now and it's like I see improvement almost every day. Small improvements, but improvements none the less. She has flashes of her old self and plays and runs and meows between her paranoid and sleep phases. Tonight she seemed 'almost normal' for most of the evening. Well, let's just say she's been more herself. She still has this absolute terror of flip-flops which I can't quite figure out, and probably never will. I've learned to put all shoes either in the closet and keep the door closed or put them up where she can't see them.

Keep your fingers crossed! Hopefully she'll soon be well enough to come steal the computer away from me again. I'm sure she's going to have a lot to talk about...

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