All of a sudden it's, like, 99 degrees outside. I keep forgetting and start begging to go outside...until someone laughs and lets me out. I try and put up a good front, you know, like pretending the heat doesn't bother me, me with a fur coat 'n all ya know, but the first time someone says, "Ready to go back inside?" I just zip up on the deck and stand by the door until it opens and I can slip back inside where it's cool. Don't understand why it goes from pleasant to hot, hot to pleasant and then pleasant to cold and icy. All within just a few months. Seems like we just had all that slick stuff on the ground, then it got really nice for a couple days; now it's miserably hot. Jeez.
Not so much road construction anymore, so even if I do go out it's not so loud. I still keep an escape path handy to the deck and can slide under the glider in a flash because the occasional earth moving machine comes roaring by. Wish they'd get done and leave us alone.
Here's a picture of me after being outside for a while...just trying to cool off you understand...
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