Sheesh. Staff person has been, like, a bear to live with. She's cranky when she gets up and, truthfully, she doesn't get much better as the day progresses. I know she's tried really hard at the place where she's working, but some of the stuff I overhear makes me glad I get to stay home and sleep all day. People have been really rude to her and the job she applied for? Even though she's been there 6 months and feels like she's learned a lot of the things she needs to know, they hired someone from outside who doesn't know anything and will have to be trained from scratch. Staff person decided it was their loss and not hers (YAY MOM!), and when her contract ends in August she's hoping to be able to finish editing her book and maybe get it published. She used to sit at the computer a LOT and write - like for hours at a time - but has done very little of that lately. She's tired when she gets home and growls and is obviously not a happy camper. Not to mention she's put on a coupla pounds too. (Don't tell her I said that! She'll KILL me!)
She also lost another friend. The person she would meet at the gym and then go out for coffee with got laid off and left today to move back to Seattle. She's bummed. I kinda don't even like being around her - I've spent a lot of time in the front room with the guy who's staying there. I think she thinks I've abandoned her, but she's just so...GRUMPY all the time.
I'd like for her to either get the darn book finished or find a place where she can work and be happy. Staff person 'happy' is a totally different person from staff person 'not happy'. Wish I could meow enuff to convince someone to hire her. Although, if truth be known, I'd rather have her right here, banging away on the computer.
What's a kitty to do? I said a little prayer for her the other day. Hopefully someone was listening.
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