So, I guess you read how my staff person didn't give me any food after midnight one night, or water, and then next morning cruelly tossed me into that @^#$ carrier and carted me off to the vet? I gave her my most piteous cries on the way there, but she just gripped the steering wheel real hard and kept driving. Once there, instead of going in the little exam room with me, she...she.... abandoned me! Someone took me back where they keep the riff-raff of petdom and took me out of the carrier and put me in a CAGE! I was so shocked I didn't even think to fight back! After a couple of hours they caught me unawares and stuck me with something and then I got reallllllly sleepy and decided to take a nap.
When I woke up I had a bandage on my leg, and discovered they'd even shaved some of my fur off underneath the bandage! And my teeth hurt. I don't know what's up with that, but they did feel funny-like - kinda sore, ya know? I was still in the cage and feeling groggy, but nothing like the last time I was here. After another couple of hours (and, okay, a couple more naps), they took me out of the cage and opened the door to my carrier. I ran in there lickity-split and the door shut and I finally felt safe. A few minutes later I was picked up and carried through a door back out to the front and I heard MOM! Er, I mean, my STAFF PERSON! I could just barely see her through the air holes, but was sure glad to see her, 'cos I sorta knew that meant I was going home. The vet came out and talked with her a while - telling her he only used a half dose of something and that I did just fine. He also said I probably wouldn't want anything to eat that night. Was he nutz? I hadn't eaten in
16 hours -
I was starving! I meowed at her to 'get me the heck outta here', and
finally we left.
At home when she let me out of the carrier, I went straight for the food bowl; now filled with food. My mouth felt a little funny, but I was too hungry to care and chowed down about half the bowl. Won't want to eat! HA! Then it was time for a nap. I stayed a little miffed at her for a couple of days, but then relented. She does love me; I'm pretty sure of that. And for a staff person, she's not all that bad. If I could just get her to NOT take me to see that vet guy I'd be a happy kitty.