Just doing my part....

Just doing my part....
Checking the newspaper for jobs

Saturday, March 20, 2010

The first day of Spring??

Among all the frustrations I'm facing right now, there's something that I can do absolutely nothing about and, although extremely minor, is making me crabby. I'm talking about the weather. We've had the most beautiful Spring weather lately: mild temperatures, sunny days, brillant blue skies......

Bur Mother Nature is such a trickster (is she related to Coyote?) and has pulled the rug out from under us. Yesterday it was 75 - today it's not going to get above 45. It's raining. The temp is supposed to continue to fall; there's a possibility for snow tonight. It is the first day of Spring, right? I moved my plants out on to the deck when the temperature hit the 70's to create this neat little outdoor room where I could sit and read while Jypsy scampered around the yard chasing bugs. One of these plants is a 6' Ornamental orange tree that probably weighs a hundred pounds - it's huge. It's also a pain to move. As it is a little fussy about being in cold temperatures and snow, it had to come back in last night along with everything else I shoved out there. Fortunately I had some friends over for wine on the deck to enjoy the last of the nice weather for several days, and they helped get everything back in before departing. I wish Mother would make up her mind and decide between Winter and Spring. My vote is for Spring.

I've got some things stewing in the work department - whether anything comes of any of it is anyone's guess. Hopefully one of these opportunities will work out, and I'll be able to get back to work. I would love to leave this frustration and feeling of worthlessness behind.

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