My staff person is feeding another cat! Gah! This bedraggled, unworthy cat wandered up a few months ago and decided the front porch was his new home. Of all the nerve!! My staff person thinks he looks like me only he has a tail, which I don't since I'm a manx. She and the guy in the front room feed him, and pet him and water him. I am SO deeply offended by all of this!
I admit he's kinda cute, but he's a scrapper - I hear the loudest howls and growls out there when he chases other cats off from his food. My staff person even put together a little house for him when it was cold and put something in there that kept it dare she? She says he's asstray not ferrul, but I have no idea what either of those words mean. To me it just means someone's horning in on MY territory. Here's picture of him stretching after a nap on MY FRONT PORCH!

Of course, she still says I'm number one in her heart, and she still plays with me lots and feeds me lots and lets me out in the backyard lots. And he comes and goes and isn't out there all the time. And they were going to try and catch him for the trap and neuter in the 'hood, but he's pretty wiley and they couldn't get close to him, and forget it if you do get close enough to try and pick him up...I saw the scratches on my staff person's hands when she tried that. I guess I really shouldn't grumble, since I'm inside living the life of Jypsy, but I WILL! I smelled him once on her hands and hissed at her. They call him 'Buddy', which is so-way-not-as-cool as my wonderful name! Oh, and one time the guy in the front room didn't shut the front door all the way and it opened and this...this...OTHER cat walked right up and into the doorway a bit and we had this staring contest! I was winning and was 'bout to go kick his butt, but my staff person walked in and saw what was going on. She called my name several times and said if I even moved she would beat MY butt! Honestly! But I knew better than to move, and she came up and swooped me up in her arms and told me she loved me.
I'm still miffed. And highly offended another cat is sitting right outside my front door. I just don't know what to do about it. So I think I'll go take a nap.