I...uh...well, let's see. Well, there was...no, I take that back. Oh, I went...well, shoot, the only place I went was to the vet.
Oh, forget it. You know what I did. I slept a lot, whined a lot, went outside a lot (when it wasn't too hot), and then slept some more. I bugged my staff person by waking her up at odd hours of the night (THAT's always fun!) I walked around the house with Mousie in my mouth moaning and groaning because she was ignoring me. Oh, not really, but sometimes she gets on this computer thingy and starts writing...it's HOURS before she deigns to notice me! Okay, that's not true either - it's more like 10 minutes, but what do I know about time? It sure seems like it's hours.
But it was a nice summer - I enjoyed it. As you can tell by this photo mom snapped when I was just waking up from a nice nap out on the back deck.
So, we're now into cooler temps. That must mean pretty soon all those boxes will come down out of the attic and mom will be in a decorating frenzy. I'm excited! There's always some box I can jump on, lay on, sleep on and generally make a nuisance of myself on. And the tree! Maybe I can bring the tree down again with all those things hanging on it that break...good times are a comin' for a cat like me.