Just doing my part....

Just doing my part....
Checking the newspaper for jobs

Saturday, August 24, 2013


As summer's go, it's been quite pleasant here in Texas. We've had the occasional rain up until a week or so ago, and it's August. The temperatures have not gone in the triples and stayed there for weeks at a time. That's very unusual. My roommate/cousin has been cat-sitting for the summer again, so I've had the house to myself, which truthfully has been really nice. Of course, I did try and remove an appendage a few weeks ago due to my own stupidity (Hint - don't hold a half of an avocado in your hand and attempt to stab the seed, which split in half when you originally smacked it, with a very sharp knife to flick it out! It took hours to stop the bleeding and the cut went deep and should probably have had stitches, but it was late so I just wrapped it in bandages and paper towels, put clear wrap around it and taped it. Finally healing and good as new...sorta.) Jypsy has stayed well, although we need to go the vet once a month now to get her checked out. She's been so sweet and loving, sleeping on the bed next to me at night although it's probably because she doesn't have my cousin to harass. I made my probation and got a small raise (very small), but there's supposed to be another on the October 1 paycheck. I got my second book on Amazon.com and received a 5 star rating from someone who bought it and read it. The first book still has a 5 star rating. I'm working on the next one. Life is pretty good for the most part.

Someone mentioned to me recently I need to get out of my comfort zone. I was somewhat taken aback by that - what comfort zone might they be referring to? I haven't been comfortable since getting laid off five years ago, and am only now realizing I might possibly be able to get back into some sort of 'comfort zone' in maybe the next year. Or two. Life has a way of sending you zingers just in case you get to feeling too pleased with yourself. Every time I think things are easing up and there might be just a smidge of money left at the end of the month, I have to do something like, oh, buy new tires. Or get a brake job. Or fix the roof. It's crazy, isn't it? The thing is - I've finally accomplished something I've wanted to do my whole life. Being laid off gave me an opportunity to sit down and type words on a page. Page after page. Until I had a book. Then two books. And another. My greatest accomplishment from losing my job is becoming what I've always wanted to be. A writer.

It's Life. You deal with it or you go crazy. I have a plaque at work someone gave me that says "Gone crazy. Back soon." Which is cute, but since I'm really not so hep on going crazy, I think I'll just do what I can and let the rest slide. It is what it is. I'm still here. I've got a job and a house to live in. I have some of the most amazing friends in the world. My family is beyond belief - they are so cool. I'm still able to make time to write. And most importantly, I've got a cat who makes me laugh every single day and let's me know what's really important. Ya gotta sleep. Ya gotta eat. And ya gotta go out in the back yard and chase birds and squirrels. Life is good!