Mom's home sick today and was up most of the night. She's going to call in to work and go back to bed, but she's moping around, coughing, sneezing, and just, well, she's miserable. It gives me a chance to catch all my peeps up though, 'cos she turned this computer thing on and then went to make a cup of tea. I haven't been on here in a while, mainly because it's Spring, and I have such a fun time in the Spring! I mean, what's not to like about it? Number one, it's not hot. That's a real plus right there. Number two, there's fresh, new grass to munch on out in the back yard so I can throw up later and do a 'cleanse'. Number three, even my staff people join me in the back yard in the late afternoons and sit around and drink that wine stuff. I like the back yard, but I love it when my people are out there with me. I like to zoom around sometimes, but mostly I just check everything out to make sure it's exactly how it was the last time I was out there. Which it usually is, but you just never know if something might have moved overnight. Then I sidle over and just barely brush against mom's leg so she knows I'm still there. Sometimes she'll reach down and run her hand along my back. That feels good. Then I'll go check something else out, and rub my face all over it because you can just never claim things too many times! Like a chair leg. Seriously. It's mine. As is the whole chair. I do however, allow my staff to sit in one sometimes.
Yesterday she found my favorite toy! Well, not the exact one, because, really, any will do. There was this little tree branch, see, that she picked up and swished around in front of her, er, MY chair. I crouched down, did my butt wiggle, and POUNCED. But I missed. So I chased it around for a bit and then subdued it. Victorious! Yeah, I know she's the one making it move, but hey, that's one of the best parts of being a cat - we have tunnel vision. We can only see the end of the stick moving, and home in on it as an intruder, or a bug, or a snake - something that must be conquered! It's fun. You should try it sometime!
And then sometimes, I just hop up in one of my chairs and sit with my staff. Or, my personal favorite, take a nap on the deck. Like this:
Oops. Here she comes, gotta scoot....