Mom made about 1000 trips up the flimsy, creaky, pull down stairway to the room at the top of the house I've never been in (Heck, I'M not getting on that thing!) and brought down all those bins and boxes that are sooooo much fun to play on. Pretty soon the house was a wreck and then things started changing. That tree thingy went up. Then she covered it in lights. THEN she started hanging all those things on it that light up, make noise, look like food and most importantly - dangle right in front of my face. I took that tree thingy down one year - climbed up to the top and it started heading towards the floor with the rest of it following. I rode it about halfway down and then decided to bail. I've been good this year though - I've swatted at a couple of the hanging things, but someone always hears me and chases me away. Well, why put it there if I can't play with it? Silly humans. Here's a picture of me contemplating that little chimey thing that makes pretty sounds.
She put stuff in every room of the house, including lights in the tree in that huge pot that stays outside until it gets cold. The house looks great - even the guy in the front room seems to like it this year. I think everything looks sparkly and festive. I'm a cat, so you know I have excellent taste. Oh, yeah, speaking of, guess I'd better head for the ol' food bowl and see if it has miraculously refilled itself. Later...