Oh, I'm not talking about someone moving on to their heavenly rewards, no, not at all. I'm talking about having a friend, enjoying them almost every single day, and then for whatever reason, they move on and leave your life. I count friends as one of the major benefits of my life and they're pretty important to me.
I met a young man several months ago who was a temp in the office I'm currently working in. Politically he's on the 'other side of the fence' from me. He has that capability however, to converse in calm and measured tones, and to make sense about what he's saying, because, in reality, he's not that different...only he is. Does that make any sense?
He's a very unique human being in a lot of ways. He's done more in his short life (much shorter than mine anyway) than I can ever hope to accomplish. His main focus is music, and it's quite amusing that his name is a European form of 'music', but he's more into Country music than I am. He's passed around some sample country cd's he's been associated with, and while I like them and listen to them, I still consider myself an old rock and roller. He's worked for country music stations, designing programs they've eventually asked him to host on air because he's the best man for the job. He's produced country music videos. He knows everyone that's anyone in Texas country music. For pete's sake, he has WILLIE NELSON on his cell phone message telling you to "... call back and, maybe you'll get Willie, but probably you'll get (my country music producing friend's name here) so just leave a message." Gah!
I can call him a 'good kid' because he seems really young. I thought he was about 27; turns out he just turned 42, but in my life that counts as a young whippersnapper. He's got his head on straight. Things have been pretty difficult for him lately and he made the decision to quit his temp job and move to a ranch where he has steady work for a few months and an inexpensive place to live. It will allow him to corral his finances and make some money while he figures out his next step. It makes perfect sense to me and is an excellent decision, but I admit I'm going to miss him. A lot. His amazing sense of humor and unbelievable intelligence have made work interesting. He makes more sense than anyone I've met lately, about everything. "In America we read left to right and top to bottom." I'm not explaining that; let's just say he willingly took the blow for that one against a wall of umbrage.
One of the other temps and I gave him an 'exit interview' last week. We met for happy hour at a local watering hole. We got his opinion on every single person in the place, (well, except for us, but I think we had immunity since we were buying him drinks) and we were laughing so hard I thought Donna was going to spit in her margarita. We talked about tv, music, mexican food and the weather. Several other topics were analyzed; some while trying to drink without snorting and some with all due seriousness. I must add I think he had started on the adult beverages without us, but that's okay too.
So, John. Please stay in touch. And of course I have your number with Willie telling me to leave a message; if I leave a message you or Willie damn sure better call back. And if you ever get to town, you are under threat of death to let me know so I can at least take you out for a beer or a margarita or something alcoholic. Gonna miss you, dude.
p.s. Borrowed your FB pic, hope you don't mind. If you do, hey, too bad!